Advise on how to setup and manage a group project involving a number of researchers or coders from different geographical locations, working on the same project.Setup your own project and translate all the skills learnt onto your own project.Use concept maps, project maps to visually explore patterns and relationships in your data.Create relationship types and use them to construct relationship nodes to code into.Use sets and search folders to organise and filter your data for specific research questions.Use a number of queries – word frequency, text search, coding, matrix and group queries to ask questions and gather coded references to answer them.Organise your growing open codes into thematic coding structure using colour to cluster them.Learn to classify focus group transcripts.Classify the interviews or sources by their demographic attributes and values.Examine your coding using Coding Stripes and highlights and also chats.Create coding summaries memos and attach to project items.Create memos for field notes, reflective notes, and supervision meeting records.Learn to use MindMap tool in NVivo to create a structured coding framework.Learn to code a transcript into both “open-codes” and “thematic coding framework”.

Import interview transcripts into the practice project.Create a practice project and set up folders for your data.Learning outcomes This two-day workshop will provide you with a thorough introduction to the main features of NVivo.